Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan di Indonesia

Kemajuan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi yang semula bertujuan untuk mempermudah pekerjaan manusia, tetapi kenyataannya teknologi telah menimbulkan keresahan dan ketakutan baru bagi kehidupan manusia. Ketakutan yang dirasakan oleh manusia akibat perkembangan teknologi ini disebabkan adanya kekhawatiran akan adanya penyalah gunaannya oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung ajwab.
          Berbicara tentang dampak dan perkembangan IPTEK, maka kita akan dihadapkan pada berbagai bidang, bahkan hampir semua aspek dalam kehidupan di dunia ini yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh adanya perkembangan IPTEK, seperti yang kita lihat sekarang ini, semua orang dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari hampir tidak bisa lepas dari teknologi, setiap orang selalu berdampingan dengan HP (HandPhone), saat jam istirahat di rumah selalu ditemani dengan tayangan televisi, dan lain sebagainya. Kesemuanya itu hanya sebagian  kecil dari pengaruh perkembangan yang ditimbulkan oleh IPTEK.
          Dengan adanya perkembangan IPTEK menusia  mendapatkan berbagai kemudahan dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya sehari-hari. Setiap orang memanfaatkan alat komunikasi langsung jarak jauh seperti  penggunaan HP untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain yang berjauhan. Selain itu berbagai kegiatan yang pada awalnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan banyak tenaga manusia untuk mengerjakannya, kini dengan adanya perkembangan IPTEK semua itu dapat teratasi dengan penggunaan tenaga mesin untuk melakukan pekerjaan tersebut dengan waktu yang relative lebih cepat dari pada menggunakan tenaga manusia secara manual.
          Beberapa dampak positif dan negatif dari perkembangan Teknologi terkait dengan dunia Pendidikan yaitu ;
a.  Dampak Positif
      1.   Munculnya Media Massa, khususnya Media elektronik sebagai sumber ilmu dan pusat Pendidikan, seperti jaringan internet.
                   Dampak dari hal ini yaitu guru bukanlah satu-satunya sumber ilmu pengetahuan, sehingga siswa dalam belajar tidak perlu terlalu terpaku terhadap informasi yang diajarkan oleh guru, tetapi juga bisa mengakses materi pelajaran langsung dari internet, oleh karena itu guru disini bukan hanya sebagai pengajar, tetapi juga sebagai pembimbing siswa untuk mengarahkan dan memantau jalannya pendidikan, agar siswa tidak salah arah dalam menggunakan Media Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam pembelajaran.      
      2.   Sistem pembelajaran tidak harus melalui tatap muka
                   Selama ini, proses pembelajaran yang kita kenal yaitu adanya pembelajaran yang disampaikan hanya dengan tatap muka langsung, namun dengan adanya kemajuan teknologi, proses pembelajaran tidak harus mempertemukan siswa dengan guru, tetapi bisa juga  menggunakan jasa pos Internet dan lain-lain.
      3.   Adanya sistem pengolahan data hasil penilaian yang menggunakan pemamfaatan Teknologi.
                   Dulu, ketika orang melakukan sebuah penelitian, maka untuk melakukan analisis terhadap data yang sudah diperoleh harus dianalisis dan dihitung secara manual. Namun setelah adanya perkembangan IPTEK, semua tugasnya yang dulunya dikerjakan dengan manual dan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama, menjadi sesuatu yang mudah untuk dikerjakan, yaitu dengan menggunakan media teknologi, seperti Komputer, yang dapat mengolah data dengan memanfaatkan berbagai program.
      4.   Pemenuhan  Kebutuhan akan Fasilitas Pendidikan dapat Dipenuhi dengan Cepat
                   Dalam bidang pendidikan tentu banyak hal dan bahan yang harus dipersiapkan, salah satu contoh, yaitu ;
a.    penggandaan soal ujian, dengan adanya mesin foto copy untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan jumlah soal yang banyak tentu membutuhkan  waktu yang lama untuk mengerjakannya kalau dilakukan secara manual. Tapi dengan perkembangan teknologi semuanya itu dapat dilakukan hanya dalam waktu yang singkat.
b.    Dampak Negatif
Disamping dampak positif yang ditimbulkan oleh perkembangan IPTEK, juga akan muncul dampak negatif yang akan ditimbulkan oleh perkembangan IPTEK dalam proses pendidikan, antara lain ;

1.   Siswa menjadi malas belajar
                Dengan adanya peralatan yang seharusnya dapat memudahkan siswa dalam belajar, seperti laptop dengan jaringan internet, ini malah sering membuat siswa menjadi malas belajar, terkadang banyak diantara mereka yang menghabiskan waktunya untuk internetan yang hanya mendatangkan kesenangan semata, seperti  ; Facebook, Chating, Twitter dan lain-lain, yang semuanya itu tentu akan berpengaruh terhadap minat belajar siswa.
2.   Kerahasiaan alat tes untuk pendidikan semakin terancam
                Selama ini sering kita melihat dan mendengar di siaran TV, tentang adanya kebocoran soal ujian, ini merupakan salah satu akibat dari penyalahgunaan teknologi, karena dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih, maka dengan mudah dapat mengakses informasi dari satu daerah ke daerah lain, inilah yang dilakukan oleh oknum untuk melakukan penyelewengan terkait dengan kebocoran soal ujian,  sehingga kejadian ini sering meresahkan pemerintah dan masyarakat.
3.   Adanya penyalahgunaan system pengolah data yang menggunakan Teknologi.
                   Dengan adanya pengolahan data dengan system Teknologi, sering akli kita temukan adanya terjadi kecurangan dalam melakukan analisis data hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh siswa dan bahkan mahasiswa, ini mereka lakukan untuk mempermudah kepentingan pribadi, dengan mengabaikan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan.

IT developments in Indonesia

Now is the role of IT in human life is more important . Because along with the development of the IT people did a lot of work in front of computers and using mobile phones for communication . But it must also be balanced with awareness to use IT for the benefit of a positive . Hence not a few IT experts who use it for evil . So it appears logical development of IT in developed enough, but yet in many ways . And the need for supervision of the authorities so that the negative impact of IT can be reduced . Some examples of these stories is expected to open the eyes of the reader as well .

And what role student / student to the development of IT in Indonesia ?
and how prevention of negative things of IT development ?
" It would be quite rapid changes in trends and developments in information technology ( information technology ) in 2013 , particularly in the fields of multimedia and gaming that I wrestled. For each prediction list field as described below .

Social Gaming
Impact of Facebook 's growing development in 2010 will be better displayed through the growing social games like Farmville players and Playfish is allegedly already exceeded the growth of Twitter though . This development was triggered by the emergence of the increasingly popular use of micropayment and developing such models online flash games .

Body Motion Sensor
Now play the game will be more fun because it would appear controller which utilizes the movement of the body as the body , hands and feet . Microsoft has a Christmas project while Playstation Motion Controller also has the same function . While the PC is already available in some software that utilizes motion sensor body with a webcam .

Augmented Reality
Game development model that combines augmented reality and virtual world games in one simulation , it would be more popular due to the availability of several new platforms such as Iphone that supports Augmented Reality applications . During the AR only popular in desktop PC but is now starting to break into the mobile gadget .

Internet TV
These developments will begin to bloom in the country in 2010 but still has a high cost constraints for general use . However the trend of internet TV will jump dramatically in 2010 due to the completion of Telkom infrastructure currently under construction . The problem is the content still has to compete with social networks like Facebook are pretty take on high bandwidth traffic .

Mobile Payments
In line with the rise of Facebook in mobile gadgets will trigger the use of mobile payment in HP . T - Cash payment model into an example of the trend that started in 2009 . In the year 2010 will come new players in the field of mobile payments online .

online Application
Outdated use Office with Desktop PC and should be tied to a specific location . In 2010, the use of web -based applications with Office Apps will flare models due to increase available bandwidth . In the year 2009 are still some countries that use it to the maximum , slowly this trend will begin to increase rapidly in Asia and Indonesia. An example is the Zoho applications .

Cloud Computing
Along with the online application requirements , the cloud computing system will be expanded further in 2013 . Not just a provider of email and file storage in large volume , but has begun to provide service in the form of both applications and individual enterprise level .
IT developments are rapid enough to be balanced with kesdaran to use IT for good , for something positive . So in accordance with the IT function as a communication tool as well as human aids in doing the work and obtain information and communicate .

Positive and negative impacts of the impact of technological development viewed from a variety of fields :

1 . Field of information and communication
In this field has been very rapid progress . Of progress we can feel the positive impacts include:
We will more quickly get the information accurate and up to date via the internet on earth any part .
We can communicate to friends , family and very much just by going through the phone .
We get bank services very easily
in addition to the benefits that we get turned these technological advances are also used for negative things , among others :
Network communication services utilization by terrorists
The use of certain information and certain sites that are on the internet that can be misused by certain parties for a particular purpose .
Confidentiality assay increasingly threatened over the internet we can obtain information about psychological tests , and can even obtain psychological testing services directly from the Internet .
Technology anxiety , except that there are small -scale anxiety caused by computer technology . Damage to the computer with a virus , lost many important files in the computer here are some examples of stress that occurs because of technology . Damage to the internet modem being struck by lightning .
2 . Economy and Industry in the economic field of technology is growing very rapidly . Of advances in technology we can feel the positive benefits , among others :
Higher economic growth
the industrialization
Industrial world is increasing productivity
Advances in technology will enhance the ability of industry productivity, both from the industry and the technology aspects of production . Investment and reinvestment that goes massively that will further increase the economic productivity of the world . In the future , the impact of technological developments in the world of industry will be increasingly important . Has shown signs of emerging technologies that will soon be a business that allows individual consumers in direct contact with the plant so that the service can be implemented directly and individual tastes can be met , and more importantly, consumers do not need to go to the store .

3 . Social Affairs and Culture
As a result of advances in technology we can see :
Personality differences in men and women . Many experts now argue that the greater portion of women who hold positions as leaders , both in government and business world .
Increased confidence in the economic progress of Asian countries gave birth to an interesting phenomenon . Development and economic growth have increased self-confidence and self- sebgai resilience of a nation will be more sturdy . Western nations can no longer harass Asian nations .
Pressure , keen competition in various aspects of life as a consequence of globalization , will give birth to a generation of disciplined , diligent and hardworking though technological advances will impact negatively on the cultural aspects .
Moral decline among community members , particularly among teenagers and students . Progress of economic life that too much emphasis on the fulfillment of various material desires , has led some citizens to be " rich in content but poor in spirit" .
Patterns of interaction between people who changed the presence of computers in most middle class households has changed the pattern of family interaction . Computer that is connected to the phone has opened up opportunities for anyone to get in touch with the outside world . Program internet relay chat ( IRC ) , the internet and e - mail have made ​​a stranger to his own life . In addition to the availability of internet cafes has given opportunities to many oaring who do not have their own computer and internet channels to communicate with other people over the internet . Now more and more people are spending time alone with a computer . Program through internet relay chat cool kids can chat with friends and strangers at any time .

4 . field of Education
Technology has a very important role in the field of education , among others :
The advent of mass media , particularly the electronic media as a source of science and education center . The impact of this is the teacher rather than the sole source of knowledge .
The emergence of methods to new learning , which allows students and teachers in the learning process . With advances in technology created new methods that make students able to understand abstract material , because the material can be made with the aid of an abstract .
Learning systems do not have to go through face-to- face .
With technological advances the learning process does not have to bring together students and teachers , but can also use the internet and postal services etc. . Besides, it also appears negative impact in the educational process include:
Confidentiality is threatened assay intelligence tests such as the test program Raven , Differential Test aptitudes can be accessed through a compact disk . The implications of this problem is that there are psychological tests will easily leak and the development of psychological tests must race against the leakage rate through the internet .
Misuse of knowledge for certain people to commit criminal acts . We know that progress in the field of education also scored high knowledgeable generations but have low morale . For example with computer science high then people will try to break through the banking system and others.
Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan di Unversitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Dekan : Dr. Sukardi, MPd.
Wakil Dekan I : Dr. Tri Wintolo Apoko, M.Pd.
Wakil Dekan II : Dra. Fitniwilis, M.Pd.
Wakil Dekan III : Desvian Bandarsyah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Alamat Kampus I : Jl. Limau II, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Telepon (021) 72795551 7208177 - 7222886 Fax. (021) 7261226

Alamat Kampus II : Jl. Tanah Merdeka, Kp. Rambutan, Ps. Rebo, Jakarta Timur.
Telepon (021) 8400341 - 87796977 Fax. (021) 8411531

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan terdapat berbagai fakultas, yaitu :
-Bimbingan Konseling
-Pendidikan bahasa indonesia
-pendidikan bahasa inggris
-pendidikan bahasa jepang
-pendidikan sejarah
-pendidikan gegorafi
-pendidikan ekonomi
-pendidikan matematika
-pendidikan biologi
-pendidikan fisika